What is Audience-First Content?

Audience-First content is content created for your audience, with their perspective in mind. Unlike traditional SEO content creation that prioritised producing content optimised for search engines, audience-first content uses data from your audience served in mediums defined by your audience.

Brendan Gilbert
Brendan Gilbert
November 23, 2023

Audience-First content is content created for your audience, with their perspective in mind.

Understanding Audience-First Content

At its core, audience-first content is a strategic approach that involves tailoring your content to speak directly to your audience's pain points, issues, or desires. 

Unlike traditional SEO content creation that prioritised producing content optimised for search engines, audience-first content uses data from your audience served in mediums defined by your audience.

Imagine a scenario where a user is seeking a solution for a common household problem, say, a leaky tap.  This user may then pick up his phone and search “how to fix a leaky tap” on YouTube to find videos that show them how to stop their tap from leaking. Content that solves their problem, quickly and effectively.

Audience-first content in this context would be a guide that not only addresses the issue but does so in a way that directly resonates with that user, offering a straightforward and practical solution.

We have seen this recently on the Google SERP , where user generated content that answers people’s questions, on sites like Reddit and Quora is now ranking far higher than it was a few months ago. This was a result of Google’s recent Helpful Content Update.

Why does it rank higher? Because it is audience-first. It answers people’s queries naturally. 

Relevance and Authenticity

For audience-first content to truly work, its relevance and authenticity are the key success factors. 

It's about crafting content that genuinely connects with your audience, understanding their needs, and providing solutions without stuffing the copy with unnecessary SEO-led keyword targeted wording.

Authenticity in your content builds trust, and trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship with your potential customers.

Moving Away from Keyword-Focused Content

A significant shift has occurred in the approach to online content creation.

The days of devising articles or videos based solely on keyword search volumes are gone.

Instead, the focus has shifted to understanding the audience's questions and queries, aiming to answer them directly.

It's exactly why Harry and I started TwelveTwentyFive back in July 2023 - to focus on audience-first organic search strategies that grow businesses.

Over the past year or so, Google has pushed out changes to their ranking algorithms that rewards helpful content.

This is a clear departure from the conventional keyword-centric mindset of SEO’s past, recognising that real people, not just search algorithms, consume your content.

Audience-first is not just about Google and blogs either

In fact, this mindset change has been triggered due to competition from social media platforms like TikTok becoming search engines in their own right. Where users are generating useful and helpful content that is being viewed and engaged with in vastly increasing amounts.

In fact, many businesses and industries are recognising more and more searches are happening on TikTok first and Google second.

“Gen Z uses TikTok as a search engine: nearly 40% of this demographic prefers searching for info on TikTok and Instagram over Google.” TechCrunch &Hootsuite

The search landscape is changing, and content formats are changing too. Technology improves constantly, so content is no longer just a keyword stuffed blog post on a company website, produced by internal teams.

It is user generated, social, multi-format and useful.

It speaks to its audience directly. Its evolution over revolution when it comes to search. These changes are not new - it's all about execution.

For marketers, it's a far more effective way of getting the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

Its streaming specific, tailored answers to user’s questions, not blanket broadcasting one size fits all content, hoping it sticks.

Audience-first content and Google’s recognition that the platform relies on helpful content is a simple reaction to the fact that people buy from people.

Imagine, unboxing videos of the latest game console, reviews of a hybrid mattress or TikToks of the latest recipes.

This is a clear departure from the conventional keyword-centric mindset of SEO’s past, recognising that real people, not just search algorithms, consume your content.

Google E-A-T Guidelines and Audience-First Content

One of the key reasons for embracing audience-first content is its alignment with Google's E-E-A-T guidelines.

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness – key factors that Google considers when evaluating the quality of content and how to rank it.

  • Experience: Content produced with your audience in mind with a clear purpose of answering your user’s query effectively will offer a greater experience to your readers.
  • Expertise: Audience-first content ensures that you're not just providing information but showcasing your specific expertise when addressing your audience's issues or questions.
  • Authoritativeness: By tailoring your content to directly address your audience's needs, you establish your authority in your niche. It helps you be seen as an authority in your niche.

  • Trustworthiness: Trust is built through transparency and reliability. Audience-first content focuses on delivering valuable answers to your audience's queries, fostering a sense of trustworthiness.

Tone of Voice in Audience-First Content

Tone of Voice is a critical aspect of audience-first content. It involves tailoring your language and communication style to resonate with your audience's preferences.

Imagine two differing scenarios - a scientific product and a service aimed at stressed families. 

What would a technical or scientific tone be like? If your product or service is technical or scientific in nature, adopting a language that aligns with the expertise of your audience is key.

Use terminology and explanations that cater to their understanding, and keep it more concise and to the point helping them quickly evaluate the merits of your product and showcasing your authority in the field.

What would a friendly and supportive tone be like? If your service is aimed at worried family members under stress, a friendly, conversational and supportive tone is crucial.

Guide them through the information they need in a manner that alleviates concerns and offers reassurance.

We have discussed tone of voice often on our Podcast - Building. Take a listen to interviews with two content creators: Mike Jeavons and Amy Elliott

Ultimately, the tone of voice in audience-first content is about speaking to your audience in a way that resonates with them, making them feel heard and understood.

Like you care about them over anything else.


With AI and its potential impacts dominating the business headlines, audience-first content drives the point that real world human connections are the core of sustainable business growth.

By embracing an audience-first mindset when producing content, you and your business can not only meet the criteria set by search engines but, more importantly, build these meaningful and highly effective connections with your audience.

So, the next time you start creating content, do so with an audience-first mindset – speak directly to your audience, address their needs, and provide solutions that resonate.

In doing so, you not only enhance your online visibility but also establish a foundation of trust and credibility that will set you apart from your competitors that are writing for search engines.

Here's to crafting content that truly speaks to your audience.


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